My Routine
Strange Origins to Childrens Nursery Rhymes
Crazy Judge
“Is he here yet?” I asked. “No.” replied my mom. “When is he going to be here?” “He should be here any minute.” “I’ve been waiting an hour!” “He’s here!” My dad said as he walked into the house from outside. “Awesome, let’s go see the new dog!” Well he isn’t our dog he’s my Dads friend’s dog that we are holding for him a little while. As we walked outside to see my Dads friend Mr. Neil, my Mom took our dogs and put them on the trampoline. My Dad and Mr. Neil put up the dog pen and put in his dog house. They put in his water dish, his food bowl, and his toys. When we took him inside to see the rest of the family he bolted he look and searched every room. When he finally settled down we took him outside Mr. Neil was leaving, when Judge saw he was leaving he jumped the fence and took off up the hill, he ran straight up and caught up to Mr. Neil. I started to run after him and my Dad called me back. Moments latter Mr. Neil came back with Judge. My Dad put him in the kennel and gave him his food. When he was done dad let him out he charged our cat then our cat ( Who weighs way to much) jumped onto the bathroom cabinets ( Which are way to high for him ) Then Judge ran into the kitchen and jumped at our guinea pig, scaring her half to death. My Dad put him back in the kennel and we all went to sleep.
Wild Rose
“Almost there” I proclaim with excitement, I couldn’t contain my profuse joy any longer. My family and I were traveling to Mississippi to annex a new member to our family, a British, black, and beautiful puppy. “Are we there yet?” I said. My father replied for the third time, “We are almost there, just sit and wait!” right as we pulled in the huge drive way to the Wild Rose Breeding Kennels.
As I stepped out, a man walked up with a smile on his face, and then greeted us. Hello Fellers, you must be the Larrison’s, yes sir my Dad said with a smile, well let me show you the dog’s he pointed to the huge cage over there is were your new puppy is you ready to see her, yes sir I said with joy.
We all walked over to the cage the man took out the keys and opened them immediately this adorable and joyful little puppy came out and started to lick me a couple of others came out to, and only one didn’t come out. The man picked up the little puppy licking me and a scanner and scanned the pup and said sorry not this one, so I picked another nope, finally after many dogs the little one in the corner was scanned and he said found her!! I picked her up as the man walked out side with my dad the little dog licked me and whimpered, after a while my Dad walked in and said: What are you going to name her I said Rosey, the man walked in and said wonderful name!!
My mom and I walked over to the car were my brother and his dog Shelby, were waiting as soon as Shelby saw Rosey she growled and Rosey whimpered. Its okay my mom said in a sweet voice she is your new sister!!
Strike Three
There I was, on the pitchers mound at the A.S.A. 10 and under district tournament as the umpire yelled STRIKE THREE YOUR OUT!!! Then I saw it, the batter the walked up is a homerun-hitting, base-running, softball-playing machine I know her as Pop Corn (Pop- Corn is her nick-name) TIME OUT!! Yelled our coach, (or my Dad) he walked over to me and said walk her in a voice only I could hear. (He wanted me to walk her because she could tie the game up)
Well he is my coach and Dad so I walked her, and soon she was on first and some other girl was on third, the next batter walked up. After no time I had two strikes on her and my Dad called change-up and BBBOOOOOOMMMMMMM the girl hit it so far in to the out field it was almost a homerun!!The girl on third and Pop Corn rounded home right as the center fielder grabbed the ball and threw it; the girl who hit it hit home plate right as the 2nd basemen threw the ball to me. I struck out the last batter and the game was over we had lost and we had lost the game, and ended up in third place in that tournament.
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